
VenusBlood FRONTIER Fandiscs Pre-Order Store!

Created by Studio Ninetail (スタジオ九尾)

Missed out on the VBF FD Kickstarter Campaign? You can still pick up some goodies here!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Project Successfully Funded + Backerkit Survey & Pre-order store Information! / KSプロジェクト達成 + バッカーキット案内&プレオーダーストアのお知らせ
over 2 years ago – Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 01:00:54 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

A huge thank you to each and every one of you amazing fans out there! The VenusBlood FRONTIER Fandiscs Localisation Project is a success! We even managed to achieve quite a few stretch goals!

We will certainly give it our all to deliver to all of you fans the best possible game(fandiscs) we can. We'll also post periodic updates regarding our progress on the localisation, so please, rest assured on that end!

Now then, Backerkit. Surveys should be sent out soon, perhaps around the 20th or 21st of this month.

As this is a mini Kickstarter, the deadline we are setting for the surveys and pre-order store this time around is January 21st (JST), so basically only about a month for both the survey and pre-order store.

As for the pre-order store, some pledge tiers will not be available (specifically those that only offer a single tangible reward), but every add-on listed on the KS page will be available.

The pre-order store and add-on purchases should accept Paypal payments as well, but if anyone out there requires special assistance, feel free to contact us.

tl;dr: For backers, just wait for the survey. For non-backers, use the pre-order store that will be released in future to buy your digital or physical goods. For those who want to discuss other methods, contact us.

Also, something else on our post-KS explanations checklist, what to do if your credit card pledge has been declined! Please follow the instructions on this link:


And well, that is all for this end of KS update! Finally, we'd just like to say this one more time...

Thank you all so very, very much! We couldn't have done this without all of your help!


お陰様で、VenusBlood FRONTIER FDのローカライズプロジェクトの キックスターターは、無事に成功しました!


バッカー(支援者)の皆さんに満足頂けるローカライズになるように、 誠心誠意、これからゲーム制作に努めますのでよろしくお願いします。




日本時間の12/20~12/21頃から開催予定となります。バッカーキットでの購入ご案内を全バッカーに配信いたします。 バッカーキットは、アッドオン(単体グッズ)を個別に購入できる専用のWEBサイトになります。 こちらでグッズのお買い物を考えていらっしゃる方は少しだけお待ち下さい。 キックスターターでプレッジしたリワード以上に、支援額を投入されている方は、 こちらのWEBサイトで買い物をする際に、購入のための同額のポイントが付与されます。







プレオーダーストアは、バッカー(支援者)向けのストアではありませんので、 バッカーの方がプレッジしたものと同様のものをこちらで購入すると、別途二重購入になってしまいますのでご注意下さい。









[email protected]

連絡をしても数日間返事がない場合は、何らかの理由でメールが届かない状況となっている場合がございますので、 その際はお手数ですが、Twitterのダイレクトメッセージなどにて別途ご連絡下さい。






それでは最後に、もう一度。 皆さんありがとうございました! 貴方達の協力に感謝致します!

Canvas Art Goods Sample Images + Stretch Goal 3 Reveal/キャンバスアートのグッズサンプル画像公開 + ストレッチゴール#3発表
over 2 years ago – Mon, Dec 13, 2021 at 09:07:33 PM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, folks!

Just thought we'd like to share with everyone some sample images of the Canvas Art!

Canvas Art
Canvas Art on the Mini Easel

What do you think? Looks pretty great, don't you agree?

The Canvas Art is available via the specific reward tier, and also as an add-on that you can buy via the Backerkit once it goes live when the project ends! (The pre-order store and add-on acceptance period will go on for about 1 month, stay tuned for more details in the next update)

Do give it some thought, eh?

Stretch Goal #3 Reveal!

Now that we've broken 250% and are well on our way to the 300% mark, we would like to reveal the content of Stretch Goal #3, which will be at the 300% mark!

With SG #3, we will add an exclusive interview with Ninetail Director Keimaru about the VBF FDs, and there will also be extra VBFI Visual Design Drafts that will be added to the VBF FD mini art booklet!

Yes, that means that exclusive design drafts that did not make it onto the VBFI artbook will be added to this VBF FD mini art booklet!

Just a little under 24 hours before the project ends, so let's see if we can break Stretch Goal 3, eh?





どうでしょうか? いい感じですよね?

こちらのキャンバスアートが欲しい! という場合は、キャンバスアートを含むプレッジを選択して頂くか、キックスターター終了後に開催されるバッカ―キットまたはプレーオーダーストアでの事後販売にて、アッドオンとしてご購入できます!(プレーオーダーストアとバッカーキットはKS終了後、約一ヶ月程度の期間を予定しております)







プロジェクト終了まで後22時間ぐらいです! 最後まで盛り上がっていきましょう!

Stretch Goal #2 Achieved! / ストレッチゴール 2達成!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Dec 02, 2021 at 05:05:26 PM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, everyone!

It's only been a few days, hasn't even been a week really, and we have hit 200%!

Now, some of you may have already noticed that SG 2 was listed on the page before this update hits, but for those unfamiliar, we will explain SG 2 for you here.

So then, Stretch Goal 2. 

A mini booklet or rather, collection of sorts (digital only) containing character design drafts, event CG drafts and such from VBF's Fandiscs!

So think of it as like, a very mini sized artbook, yeah?

It is digital only, and will be given out to anyone who pledges for a tier including the 'Wallpaper Set'. 

It will also be made available as an add-on for 360 yen.

Now then, if we were to hit another milestone, who knows? We might have another Stretch Goal in store...

Thank you all for your continued support!











The Project Has Been 100% Funded!! / 100%のイニシャルゴールに到達!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Dec 02, 2021 at 12:25:07 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Truly amazing, words simply cannot express how thankful we are.

In just a single day, we've reached our 100% funding goal! We are simply ecstatic, believe us.

We wanted to get these fandiscs that so many have asked for to our fans, and we're just so happy that everyone responded in kind, giving us all of your love and support.

Thank you all so much!

We've heard some requests for Stretch Goals, and while we weren't really considering them for this mini Kickstarter, we'll think of something.

For now, at 150% Stretch Goal, we'll also make a Chinese version of the game. Gotta spread the tentacly love all over international borders, after all!

For a 200% Stretch Goal, well...We'll come up with something, most definitely, so sit tight for now, yeah? We'll announce it once it's ready.


なんと、開催の初日でVenusBlood FRONTIERファンディスク英語化プロジェクトが100%に到達しました!

本当に、ありがとうございます! 貴方達は、最高のファンです!!







Stretch Goal 1 achieved! / ストレッチゴール 1達成!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Dec 02, 2021 at 12:25:02 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, everyone!

Just a simple enough update today.

That's right, it's day 2, and we've already hit 150%!

Now that we've hit 150% of the initial goal, that means Stretch Goal #1 has been achieved!

As such, a Chinese version of the VBF FD will be made for our fans who are more fluent in that language.

Since we've hit SG 1, we'll speed up preparations for our other SGs, so we ask for your patience once more. We'll reveal them once the necessary preparations have been made!





